''aku hanya mahu jadi orang yang baik.. melakukan kebaikan supaya orang lain dapat manfaat... jika aku tak mampu... janganlah kiranya aku buat kejahatan.. atau kejahatan dalam kebaikan.. biarlah aku diam andai aku belum bersedia..

kini aku lemah namun tak pula aku ingin jadi lemah selama-lamanya... aku harap aku akan kuat.. dan aku mohon sangat-sangat.. biar aku jadi kuat untuk buat kebaikan.. dengan itu aku berusaha... dan Engkau saja tempat aku mengadu kerana Kau teman yang setia, ya Allah... redhailah daku dan sahabat-sahabatku di jalanMu''

♥ Dgn mengeluarkan kata2 agama , tidak semestinya aku seorang ustaz/ustazah....
♥ Bersongkok berserban nya aku , tidak semestinya aku seorg yg alim......
♥ Dgn menasihati org lain , tidak pula bermaksud aku ini adalah org yg sebaik-baiknya.......
♥ Aku cuma insan biasa, yg mempunyai keinginan seperti kamu........
♥ Cuma aku berkongsi, apa yg aku pelajari dan apa yg aku tahu......
♥ Dan mengingati diri sendiri dan sahabat2, supaya menjadi lebih baik.........

Thursday, October 18, 2012

sedikit perkongsian

men and women are equal..
bot not identical..

for example :
for test 1, student A got 7/10..student B got 9/10..
for test 2, student A got 9/10..student B got 7/10
for test 3, student A and B both got 10/10...

in total, actually both student got 26/30..
however, student A's advantage is in test 1..
and student B in test 2..but both actually equal...
they have advantages in their own field..

SO,,just the same with women and men..
for some cases,, women is more advantages..
and some,,, men are more advantages..
however,actually both are equal...but not identical..
thats the special in Islam...
women are protected by men meanwhile women give spirit to men..

~Dr Zakir Naik~

~Allahurabbi..Send peace and blessing to Muhammad S.A.W~

-Islam Is a Universal Brotherhood

-In Islam, equal doesn't mean identical (Tanggungjawab male and female is different but kalau male or female buat salah hukum qisasnya sama disisi undang2 Islam)

-Advantage come with great responsibility.. Example.. Men have great strenght compare to women so that Men can protect them :)

-Charity and Zakat decrease the gap between rich and poor

-Mengumpat sama dengan memakan daging saudara sendiri (Hadith)

-Solat Jemaah promotes Universal Brotherhood

-In berjemaah, we stand shoulder to shoulder,feet to feet.. whether we're poor or rich,citizens or kings.. because in front of Allah, we're the same :D

-To other religion.. most of the time is gods.. but In Islam.. everything is god's.. with apostrophe S.. means everything Allah yg punya :)

-You can't imagine Allah what is like.. there is no statue,picture and sculpture :)

-Apa2 yg bergelar tuhan.. jadikan Surah Al-Ikhlas sebagai indicator.. kalau lepas ujian Surah Al-Ikhlas.. maka layaklah dipanggil Allah.. namun hakikatnya.. ayat terakhir surah Al-Ikhlas secara tafsirannya bila something itu dah dicompar dgn Allah.. dia dah x layak bergelar Allah sbb tiada apa pun yg sama dgn Allah :)

-Put Allah,Rasul and strive in Jihad above all else.. inluding your bloodline.. because brotherhood of ummah is greater than brotherhood of family

- Batu Hitam ini boleh bawa faedah kepadaku,boleh bawa bala kepadaku.. Tetapi aq menyembahnya hanya kerana Allah dan Rasulku menyuruh aq sujud kepadanya - Saidina Umar referring to Ka'bah :)

-If someone rape your daughter,kill your family.. Then you reply the same thing to the offender.. you are a normal person.. But we Islam is a super-duper power most intelligent human beings will never ever in million billion years would do the same thing because we have Allah and He prohibited us from doing that (revenge) :)

-Your mom gets the Gold,your mom gets the Silver, your mom gets the Bronze.. Your father only deserve mere consolation :)

- A good wife is a wife that can show the way to siratal mustaqim to her husband..

- A good wife protects her beloved hubby from Devil.. :)

From Dr. Zakir Naik (29/9/2012)...held in Dewan Agong Tuanku Canselor (DATC) UITM SHAH ALAM... 

-Islam Is a Universal Brotherhood

-In Islam, equal doesn't mean identical (Tanggungjawab male and female is different but kalau male or female buat salah hukum qisasnya sama disisi undang2 Islam)

-Advantage come with great responsibility.. Example.. Men have great strenght compare to women so that Men can protect them :)

-Charity and Zakat decrease the gap between rich and poor

-Mengumpat sama dengan memakan daging saudara sendiri (Al-hujurat : 12,13)

-Solat Jemaah promotes Universal Brotherhood

-In berjemaah, we stand shoulder to shoulder,feet to feet.. whether we're poor or rich,citizens or kings.. because in front of Allah, we're the same :D

-To other religion.. most of the time is gods.. but In Islam.. everything is god's.. with apostrophe S.. means everything Allah yg punya :)

-You can't imagine Allah what is like.. there is no statue,picture and sculpture :)

-Apa2 yg bergelar tuhan.. jadikan Surah Al-Ikhlas sebagai indicator.. kalau lepas ujian Surah Al-Ikhlas.. maka layaklah dipanggil Allah.. namun hakikatnya.. ayat terakhir surah Al-Ikhlas secara tafsirannya bila something itu dah dicompar dgn Allah.. dia dah x layak bergelar Allah sbb tiada apa pun yg sama dgn Allah :)

-Put Allah,Rasul and strive in Jihad above all else.. inluding your bloodline.. because brotherhood of ummah is greater than brotherhood of family

- Batu Hitam ini boleh bawa faedah kepadaku,boleh bawa bala kepadaku.. Tetapi aq menyembahnya hanya kerana Allah dan Rasulku menyuruh aq sujud kepadanya - Saidina Umar referring to Ka'bah :)

-If someone rape your daughter,kill your family.. Then you reply the same thing to the offender.. you are a normal person.. But we Islam is a super-duper power most intelligent human beings will never ever in million billion years would do the same thing because we have Allah and He prohibited us from doing that (revenge) :)

-Your mom gets the Gold,your mom gets the Silver, your mom gets the Bronze.. Your father only deserve mere consolation :).. mother is three times important to us..respect your ummi,ummi,ummi then your abi.. (hadith)

- A good wife is a wife that can show the way to siratal mustaqim to her husband..

- A good wife protects her beloved hubby from Devil :)

~~Lets spread the good and leave the bad..
~~sharing is caring is loving.. ^_^

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